Fall is Coming, You Better Be-leaf it! – Cardinal Rule Press
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Fall is Coming, You Better Be-leaf it!

Do you know what September 23rd brings? FALL! There are many things I love about Fall. In some places, the air gets chilly and the leaves change colors, for example here in Michigan. When it cools down, I pull out my cozy sweaters and go on a walk to see the changing colors of the trees. And of course, I love all the amazing food that comes with autumn: the warm soups, cider mill treats, pumpkin spice, cinnamon, and apples.

If you are looking for things to do this fall, the best suggestion I have is to try some new recipes. Even if it doesn’t look like Fall where you live, pumpkin bread can make it feel like autumn. You can also spend time at a pumpkin patch or an apple orchard! Maybe there’s a corn maze or tractor ride to check out during the day, or a haunted hay rack ride at night. These places are lots of fun and great for a family trip. Another place to look into is your local zoo. Sometimes zoos have special events around Halloween where you can dress up and go trick-or-treating.

I remember begging my dad to make a gigantic leaf pile so my siblings and I could jump into it. If the leaves fall where you live, definitely take part in this activity! Bonus points if you get some helpers to clean up the leaves when you’re done. Take the family on a nature hike. Count how many different colors you see or how many animals you see and hear.

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September also brings the beginning of a new school year. While many people seem to dread this time, I look forward to it! Going back to school is a perfect time to start fresh. You can make new friends or amends with old friends. If you need some help with making amends, check out this new book from Cardinal Rule Press, The Time Machine by Pauline David-Sax. This picture book revolves around two best friends, Nia and Bailey. Rather…they were best friends until Bailey said something hurtful to Nia last Thursday. Bailey is having trouble apologizing to her friend, so she decides to build a time machine to go back and fix her mistake. The Time Machine teaches readers how to mend a friendship through a sincere apology. 

There are so many fun things to do in the Fall, and so much to enjoy! Soak it all up because soon it will be winter. But we won’t talk about that. I may be a cool weather fan, but I’m not a freezing-cold weather fan!

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Natalie Pritula is an upcoming junior at Oakland University studying political science and public relations. In her free time, she likes to listen to music, go on bike rides, and bake sweet treats!

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