Social media can get overwhelming. With the overload of content, it’s hard to find material that’s suited to your interests or adds real value to your day-to-day engagement in the midst of the fluff of tabloid reports or politics presentations. However, there is valuable content on social media, from teaching to marketing to representation, it’s important to engage with the sources that are doing the work to promote valuable content! Therefore, we here at CRP have done the searching for you, and come up with a list of the top librarian accounts on TikTok.
Mychal - @Mychal3ts
This account, from a librarian based in New Haven, Connecticut, has already become relatively popular. From new books, to exciting rediscoveries, to even activism, Mychal’s account covers everything you need to know about the operations of a library. It’s the perfect place to start if you're curious about what kinds of things a librarian does at and beyond the desk, and can help you discover new titles and opportunities, for both you and your children, that you never would’ve encountered otherwise! It’s also a pretty fun place to spend some time if you’re feeling overwhelmed or just need to engage with the “bookish” community.
The Contoured Librarian - @thecontouredlibrarian
Another account that’s already seen a bit of popularity and virality, The Contoured Librarian takes a more focused approach, concentrating on books and related material for kids K-5. Additionally, she’s included implementable activities that can be performed in your own home! Things like book repairs are no problem with the help of this account, and you can pick up some new book ideas while you’re investigating through her “book fairie” system that ensures that any special deliveries are opened and distributed to the people and places that will best use them.
Here at Cardinal Rule Press, we are happy to help you with resources for your bookstore or library. Click HERE for your freebie!

Milton Public Library - @miltonpl_ma
While not a librarian account itself, the Milton Public Library in Milton, Massachusetts is run by some of the most fun-loving librarians, who are always engaging in trends and stay up to date on all things popular to keep booktok lively and exciting. With book recommendations based on seasons, holidays, or even special events, and an expansion of library life beyond books, there’s always something rife for consumption on the MPL page. Plus, they’ve made sure to include comedy for all ages letting you in on some of the fun in their career while educating you on processes and productions within a librarian’s day-to-day life.
The Laser Librarian - @the.laser.libraria
A librarian for grades 3-5, this account certainly caters more to younger children, though it never fails to ensure some inclusion for the adults as well. The Laser Librarian takes on all kinds of topics on her page, from display creation, to giveaways and book returns, to book recommendations she really does it all. She promotes community engagement as well, teaching viewers how to create and maintain neighborhood libraries that build literacy beyond the school building. Perhaps the most valuable part of her page, though, is the insight into the wants of elementary school kids, providing ideas for gifts and engagement that are sure to keep them happy and entertained, while also learning.
Mrs. Rivera - @mrsrivera87
Mrs. Rivera, a middle school librarian, has an up-and-coming account dedicated to the literary world of libraries, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t deserve any less of an investigation. This exciting profile similarly offers book recommendations in line with pop-culture events and offers some “behind the scenes” details into daily life, but what makes this page most exciting is the way that it represents the fun and enthusiasm that comes from providing books and related services to kids. Check her out, and see what kind of mischief middle schoolers get into, and how a librarian's job is not an easy one but very rewarding.
Overall, librarian accounts spend a lot of time recommending books, but that isn’t their whole job, and new avenues on social media have allowed them to give more context to their job, especially in broadcasting the joy that comes with it. So get out there and engage with librarians, both through a screen and in your local community because they need the support and are more than happy to help you in whatever ways possible.
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Logan May is a senior at Bowling Green State University, studying English while double minoring in marketing and writing. In his free time, he can be found reading or performing on stage, promoting his passions on and off the page.
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