Speaking Engagements
Our Speakers
We are a dynamic group of experienced CRP authors, teachers and/or counselors whose mission is to promote kindness in schools, families and communities.
Our team travels around the world to present at schools, churches, parent and community groups.
Speaking Engagements
Speaking Engagements
We offer a variety of programs from school assemblies to keynote addresses and break out sessions at conferences. We look forward to helping you set up your event today!
Suggested groupings by grade levels (i.e. PreK-K, 1-2 and 3-5)
Assemblies based on concepts from our books, lively interaction and role plays of real-life student experiences. The focus of our school assemblies include character development to increase social emotional learning.
Virtual Visits
Eligible Locations: ANYWHERE!
Includes: Two 45 minute programs with additional the option of a 15 minute read aloud to Kindergarten only.
Other Opportunities
Schools are offered a rebate on the sales of our books. Parents can purchase copies of our books, and your school will receive 30% of the proceeds.

If your school needs help with funding a school program, check out these resources on getting a grant to bring our authors to YOUR community!