Make Your Very Own Book! – Cardinal Rule Press
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Make Your Very Own Book!

Make Your Very Own Book! Children have creative imaginations and lots of energy! A great outlet for all that imagination and creativity is making a book. While keeping them busy, it is also a great place for them to be able to tell their stories.

Children have creative imaginations and lots of energy! A great outlet for all that imagination and creativity is making a book. While keeping them busy, it is also a great place for them to be able to tell their stories. Kids have lots that they want to communicate and helping them make a book can be a great way to do this. With book making there is no shortage of ways to do this, so your kid can find the way they prefer to do this activity. This is a good chance for them to practice expressing ideas/emotions/thoughts, stringing events together, and practice writing! 

There are many ways to do this. It can be through a website such as StoryJumper, Little Bird Tales, and Storybird. These online sites can provide pictures for kids to use or be able to upload their own. In addition to that, kids can read stories made by other kids on these very platforms. Or if you want to teach your kids typing skills while they are at it, simply open up a word processor and let them go at it!  

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Books that encourage reading

Websites aren’t the only way to make books, hands-on ways are amazing too. There are so many ways to do this from simply giving your kid a blank notebook to write in to making a fun craft activity out of it by scrapbooking pages together. Pinterest is a great place to find some ideas of how to make books. Supermommyclub has put together some great ideas on making books with kids. Pinterest isn’t the only great place as there are lots of websites that teach kids how to make books like artistshelpingchildren. They have awesome diagrams of how to make a heart-shaped book, binding a book japanese style, and other great ways. Homeschooling Ideas has directions on how to make a really cool paper bag book!  

Think outside the box when creating these books because there’s no need to stick to paper and words for a book! Use nature bits that your kids found outside to decorate the cover like leaves or sticks. Bind the book with fabric that is left over. Give your kid magazines, books, and other printed materials so they can collage together a masterpiece! Anything can be used in this awesome activity! 

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Sovann Hyde is an intern at Cardinal Rule Press and studying at Michigan State University. She enjoys writing and reading in her free time as well as gaming with friends. Jetta, Gryffin, and Bella, her family’s dogs and cat, keep her energetic and curious. 

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