Live Author Q&A with Author Hannah Carmona Dias – Cardinal Rule Press
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Live Author Q&A with Author Hannah Carmona Dias

Meet Author Hannah Carmona Dias, the talented writer behind Dazzling Travis! Find out more about Hannah at

1. How did you come up with your first book Beautiful, Wonderful, Strong Little Me?

The inspiration for my first book Beautiful, Wonderful, Strong Little Me came from a day I was shopping at Target with my daughter and while I was checking out the cashier looked at her and said, “She’s beautiful. What is she?” My daughter was 2 years old at this time and while I had gotten this question all my life (referring to the complexion of my skin and curly hair) I had never had this question directed towards my daughter. It was then that it hit me… she would be living her life hearing this question over and over again just like I had. My brain bulb flashed—someone should write a book about about this! And so I did.
… Also just for kicks I told the cashier she was part alien part dinosaur and walked out.

2. Tell us about the inspiration you found to write Dazzling Travis.

The inspiration for Dazzling Travis came from one of my former Theatre students. He was telling me a story about someone throwing around the phrase, “You’re so gay,” and “that’s so gay,” at him. I have always found that phrase infuriating, but especially so in this situation when it was directed at such a young student (I believe he was 10 a the time). Theatre builds up an admirable confidence and courage to be uniquely you in many students. However, many times to the general public they are unaccepting of this uniqueness and feel the need to place a label on everything, especially when it comes to boys! I wanted to write a book specifically directed towards boys on this subject teaching males that being “manly” doesn’t mean conforming to social norms.

3. What do you hope readers will learn from your books? Is there a message for adults in you stories too?

Within my books I hope that readers can find representation for themselves and their uniquely beautiful characteristics. I hope that adults will read these stories and whether it’s a message they can relate to or not, it’ll give them a better understanding of what the children around them may be experiencing.

4. As a mother and a theater teacher, Do you have any tips for parents of young children about raising kind and confident kids?

AFFIRM DAILY!!! Tell your kids the words you want them to believe everyday. Fill their bookshelf and movie collection with characters that represent the traits which you want them to embody. And finally, lead by example. Talk about yourself the way you want your kids to talk about themselves.

5. What are your future writing, speaking, and publishing plans?

Books were what spoke to me as a kid and what have helped me through many tough times as an adult. For as long as readers will have me I hope to continue to write and have stories published. As far as speaking events I have slots open for the 2018-2019 year and am always excited to read to classes, host workshops, and visit book clubs via Skype or in person.

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Marketing for Increasing Exposure Tip #8: Podcast Interviews - mariadismondy.comMy name is Maria Dismondy. I am a children’s book author who also founded the publishing company, Cardinal Rule Press.

Finding ways to market my messages is a passion of mine. I want to help you gain greater recognition of your brand, to generate new readers and improve your sales. Why? Because I love to GIVE and CONNECT and I truly believe we are all in this together!

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