Finding a Writing Community – Cardinal Rule Press
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Finding a Writing Community

Finding a Writing Community. There are so many different ways to find writing communities that fit what you want/need that there’s no need to settle.

Writing is a solo task that many people find enjoyable and fulfilling. However, this does not mean you don’t miss a community aspect. When you are the only one holding yourself accountable and making sure that you fulfill deadlines, that can be tough. With a writing community, there are other people there to help you meet deadlines and/or keep you on track. Writing communities are also great places to talk to other authors/aspiring authors about the whole writing and publishing process. Many times you are even able to speak with an agent or an employee of a publishing company who can share valuable insight to all aspects of the process. 

Writers want to join a writing community for a variety of reasons. Some want the support and encouragement, others desire the critique and feedback that can be provided. This is why these communities are so great. The people involved have experience in writing and provide valuable insight. Beyond that, these communities can provide proofreaders, review writers, marketing opportunities and people to chat about any and every aspect of writing. 

There are many ways to find your writing community. There are online community sites such as Absolute Write Water Cooler, AgentQuery, and Critique Circle. Besides dedicated sites, many social media sites have areas for writing communities. There are Facebook groups (The Write Life Community, Beta Readers and Critique Partners, Women Writers, Women’s Books), dedicated hashtags to peruse on Twitter (#Writers, #WritingCommunity, #selfpublishing) and Reddit (r/writing, r/writingprompts, r/writerchat, r/selfpublish) has many subreddits for the writing community. 

Other places to look online are journals, magazines, blogs, and organizations. Organizations often have resources and depending on what they focus on, they might be able to list some writing communities or even have a resource dedicated to some. 

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Blogs are another great place, especially ones about writing, because they write about a variety of topics and often create their own communities surrounding them. Writing focused journals and magazines may have an article or two on writing communities and are a good place to check. 

Searching online is not the only way to find a writing community. You can also search, locally, for a writing community. Some of the best ways to find local groups are Google, libraries, community centers, and other community-based centers. Someone may drop a flier on a bulletin board, posting a notice of a local writing group so be sure to watch those boards! 

Writing events, festivals, and conferences are other possible places to find writing communities. These are more writing-based events but oftentimes writing communities will promote at these events. 

Last, but certainly not least, a great way to find your writing community is by word of mouth. Maybe your friends/colleagues are a part of one, or you could ask them to keep an eye out for you. Don’t be shy about asking local authors if they are a part of any writing communities! 

Whether it be online or in-person, writing communities provide valuable resources from feedback, critique, a place to bounce ideas, connections and more! There are so many different ways to find writing communities that fit what you want/need that there’s no need to settle. Have fun writing!

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Sovann Hyde is an intern at Cardinal Rule Press and studying at Michigan State University. She enjoys writing and reading in her free time as well as gaming with friends. Jetta, Gryffin, and Bella, her family’s dogs and cat, keep her energetic and curious.

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