There are so many business books I have read that have benefited our publishing company or my author platform. Over the next few months, I will highlight some of my favorite business books with a brief synopsis of the book as well as my top ten take aways or quotes.
Book Title: StrengthsFinder 2.0
Author: Tom Rath
Book Synopsis:
Do you have an opportunity to use your strengths every day?
Chances are, you don’t. All too often, our natural talents go untapped. From the cradle to the cubicle, we devote more time to fixing our shortcomings than to developing our strengths.
To help people uncover their talents, Gallup introduced the first version of its online assessment, StrengthsFinder, in the 2001 management book Now, Discover Your Strengths. The book spent more than five years on the bestseller lists and ignited a global conversation, while StrengthsFinder helped millions discover their top five talents.
In StrengthsFinder 2.0, Gallup unveils the new and improved version of its popular assessment, language of 34 themes, and much more. While you can listen to this book in one sitting, you’ll use it as a reference for decades.
Loaded with hundreds of strategies for applying your strengths, this new book and accompanying website will change the way you look at yourself – and the world around you – forever.
Check out this book review of another business book, Time and How to Spend It
My Review:
I HIGHLY recommend this book. Taking the online quiz to discover your strengths and weaknesses comes as a code when you purchase the book. I believe in the fact that we will become stronger in the profession we have chosen when we build on our strengths instead of trying to be the person who does everything well. Focus on doing some things really well and outsourcing your weaknesses!
Top Ten Quotes:
- “The key to human development is building on who you already are.”
- “From the cradle to the cubicle, we devote more time to our shortcomings than to our strengths.”
- “When we’re able to put most of our energy into developing our natural talents, extraordinary room for growth exists. So, a revision to the “You-can-be-anything-you-want-to-be” maxim might be more accurate: You cannot be anything you want to be—but you can be a lot more of who you already are.”
- “Talent (a natural way of thinking, feeling, or behaving) × Investment (time spent practicing, developing your skills, and building your knowledge base) = Strength (the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance)”
- “The most successful people start with dominant talent—and then add skills, knowledge, and practice to the mix. When they do this, the raw talent actually serves as a multiplier.”
- “You cannot be anything you want to be — but you can be a lot more of who you already are.”
- “It appears that the epidemic of active disengagement we see in workplaces every day could be a curable disease…if we can help the people around us develop their strengths.”
- “What’s more, we had discovered that people have several times more potential for growth, when they invest energy in developing their strengths instead of correcting their deficiencies.”
- “You cannot be anything you want to be—but you can be a lot more of who you already are.”
- “We have surveyed more than 10 million people on this specific topic, and approximately 7 million are falling short.”
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My name is Maria Dismondy. I am a children’s book author who also founded the publishing company, Cardinal Rule Press.
Finding ways to market my messages is a passion of mine. I want to help you gain greater recognition of your brand, to generate new readers and improve your sales. Why? Because I love to GIVE and CONNECT and I truly believe we are all in this together!

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