With so much DARKNESS, Here is LIGHT – Cardinal Rule Press
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With so much DARKNESS, Here is LIGHT

There have been so many ups and downs in our world over the last few years, I wanted to spread some LIGHT, since darkness continues to find its way into our world. #LightInOurDarkness #BooksToRead #Courage #PromoCode

Hi all, it’s been awhile since I’ve written a heartfelt message to you! Guess what, this month I am going to be sending you several. There have been so many ups and downs in our world over the last few years, I wanted to spread some LIGHT, since darkness continues to find its way into our world.

It was March of 2020 and I was thrilled that the parenting book, Sunny Side Upbringing, I had worked day and night on for years was being released to the world. The book shares ways families can incorporate traditions and daily routines with the intention of raising kind and caring kiddos. My book tour started off with news interviews and bookstores events, all the things us authors used to love! Then within two weeks the world shut down because of Covid-19.

My immediate reaction was to flee (avoidance is a coping mechanism of mine), which I did. I took our kids up north to a cute little cabin that I rented for $25 a day for two weeks. My husband thought I was crazy and was staying at home since his work had not been canceled like the schools were (at that point.)

I quickly learned that running away from problems wasn’t going to solve anything (I actually have known this for years but in times of stress, I fall back into old patterns). I found the COURAGE to go back home and live through the craziness we were all experiencing. People were being hospitalized. We weren’t leaving the house. My income came to a halt since I relied heavily on my speaking career (in schools) at that time. It was scary all around, as you ALL KNOW. Looking back, it seems like such a foggy time filled with so much emotion.


As you receive this email on Fat Tuesday (where we, in the midwest, like to eat jelly filled donuts called Packzki) Cardinal Rule Press, the publishing company I own and run is offering a deep discount on our books The Jelly Donut Difference (promoting KINDNESS and featuring the one and only Packzki donut!) as wel Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun, with a major focus on COURAGE. Two things I learned in March of 2020 to be important in our home, community and world.

In the past, our books were only offered at retailers from our distributor. However, we have focused SO MUCH on community in the last two years, that we have found a way to make our books available with discounts directly from our business to YOU!

Use the code WITHLOVE on the following books to receive 40% off because we appreciate you being part of our community.


How about a few FREE offers too? You are invited to join us for a Virtual Career Day geared towards K-5 classrooms and homeschool groups. Sign up here!


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